Jax World Entertainment thanks all members around the world
United States, Germany, Italy, France, Canada, United Kingdom, Japan ,Greece ,Australia, Switzerland , Belgium ,  Poland ,  Austria ,Brazil, Finland, Mexico, Sweden,Spain, Czech Republic, Turkey, Russian Federation, Denmark ,Israel, United Arab Emirates, Hungary, Norway ,Saudi Arabia, Singapore,Taiwan, rgentina, Malaysia ,Korea, Romania,New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, Chile, Hong Kong, Egypt, Portugal,Yugoslavia, Colombia ,Ireland ,China ,Thailand, Philippines ,Puerto Rico,  Guatemala, Kuwait

Jax World Entertainment "China" Feet Model 2006


Dear Gene

I can't thank you enough for bringing in Lesya.
I hope she stays for a long long time so she can grow her long toenails to even greater breathtaking lengths. I've also seen her long fingernails elsewhere on the web. I believe it was briefly on Nailpassion
in the picture uploads area. I feel as if I have been allowed to enter the secret realm of a young Russian princess, who's only mission in life is to grow her toenails, fingernails and hair for her entire life.
The smooth white softness of her skin and the almost blinding beauty of her 20 long nails give her complete and total control of anyone in her presence. Lesya's natural nails as in the Kootielove set are fantastic.
The rug she poses on is like being in her palace. I would love to see her beautiful hands caressing her glorious feet.  Gene please thank whoever took Lesya's pictures.

Thank you Gene for finding these truly wonderful women for our viewing pleasure.
Long time fan of your site

Hello Gene!
I must say what a great job that you do with your web site!
I am sending this letter to praise a new comer to your site ARINDA!!!!
I have fallen in love with her>>>> I have seen her fingernails grow for about three years now, but I can say that her toenails are just driving me crazy!
I check them out several times a day!!!! WOW they are HOT keep up the good work!

Very truly yours
E. G. Moore Jr


I just wanted to have a note posted saying how beautiful Arinda's toes and feet are. I am so drawn to them, I cant stop thinking abaout them.
I would do anything to worship them, be controled by them. Please pass
on my note. Thank you.


We are sad to announce that on Mrs Virbys Vacation as she crossed the street somone stepped on
her toe and Injured and damaged her left toenail. She is in pain and had to cut all of her beautiful toenails.  The good news is our star will be fine.
We will see her in May or June 2009 when she returns.
Get well Virby! We love you



I just wanted to say that I am in love with Sue's long toenails and huge boobs. My ultimate fantasy would be to worship her feet all day and have
her give me a footjob with her sexy feet and long toenails.

Keep up the good work, thanks!

Dear Gene,
Thank you so much for adding Mistress Arinda and her lovely toenails. Mistress Arinda Words alone can never explain how lovely and beautiful
Your feet and toenails are. The minute I saw the first picture of Your lovely feet and nails I fell in love with them I couldn?t stop staring and
start going through the other pictures craving more and more. Ever since I met You Ma?am I look at your pictures every day more and
more wishing to be under those lovely feet worshiping the ground they walk on. And the toe nails are perfect with the perfect color and
touch every time steals my attention every time. Thank You Mistress Arinda for allowing me to write this to express how much Your
feet and toenails mean to me.

Dear Gene,

I have been a member of your site for more than 3 years already, and I want you to keep up the fantastic work.
Emma I always masturbate to your pictures, especially those without polish. Also that it is my
fantasy to blast my thick sperm all over your long toenails!



I love your photo set with flip flops.!
Can you post another one like that with your flipflops touching the ground?

Dear Miss Cherry, your toenails are so sexy and nice!! I almost faint
whenever I see your super long and sharp toenails!! I never knew
Philippine women could grow their toenails really long!!! Please don't
ever cut your toenaills!!! Thanks!



Emma has some of the strongest, longest, most beautiful toenails out there. Her natural non polished look is the absolute best. Please keep up the good work.


To Emma:

I just want to express my enthusiasm for your toenails once again. Wow. Your toenails are so incredible, so unbelievable, so lovely, and SO BEAUTIFUL! How can you walk on the street without people staring at your feet? Just amazing! You have very, very beautiful feet, but even more beautiful toenails, which is EXTREMELY RARE. I love you. You are such a goddess! You must be a very beautiful woman. It would be so cool to have a glimpse of your face. But all I can say is keep up the great work. Please don't cut your nails or at least keep them as long as possible. As I said before, you should be very proud of your toenails. There is no need to be embarrassed whatsoever, because I love them. Please have more photos of your toenails unpolished. They still look the sexiest without polish. I hope you can post some good videos of your unpolished toenails. That would be awesome fan service.

 I am surely one of your biggest fans, if not the biggest. I've been loving toenails for all my life and your toenails are the VERY best, no question about it. That's how hot you are.


What else can you say? HOT!!


Wow! Are those Chocolate's toenails? Her big toenails are about the best I've ever seen. So long, straight, and feminine.
I'd love to see some close up pics of her toenails without polish.



i'd love to suck on those toenails mmmmmm


Nail Lover: Hi Gene! Chocolate's toenails are so lovely, feminine, straight, and sexy. Are they natural or does she use acrylics?

100 percent nails.

Blackmac:    Chocolate's  Nails are hot!!

Hello Gene:
This menssage is for your model Ms. Virby:

Hello Virby,

I am completely in love with your feet. I love your beautiful fingernails and dream with being able to kiss your fingers some day. It would be possible that you made yourself some recent pictures
of your feet, with the fingernails without painting. I want crazily to see your fingernails without painting. Without transparent varnish and without painting. Natural, completely Natural.

Many kisses


Hi Gene,

Hope you are ok....lm a member of your web site...thanks for the last Ms Virby update...wowww...she is my favorite always....
 Best Regards

To Emma:


To Emma
Your toenails are a feet mans dream come true. I have never in my life seen such beautiful toenails like yours. My wife will not grow hers so you are my secret online wife.  Please always keep them long for me.
You are a huge reason why I use the internet.



I've been a toenails fan for many years and I am one of your biggest fans on the site. Ever since I was a kid I was fascinated with long nails on women simply because they're so beautiful and sexy. You certainly have the best looking toenails AND best looking natural toenails on the internet. You are an internet sensation. Please don't cut them because they're so long, beautiful, and sexy. I can't stop looking at them. Your unpolished toenails give so much pleasure. I'll go crazy if I see them in real life. Few women have fingernails this long and beautiful, let alone toenails. It's safe to say that no one has toenails as beautiful as yours AND in unpolished form.  I also love the decorations and the jewelry. Wow. Please keep up the very good work and please keep your toenails as long as possible. I think you should be very proud of them. As a fan, I look forward to see more of your natural toenails.

Hello Gene:

Hope you are ok....now lm a member of your web site....woww....so nice pictures....l especially like Ms.Virby....the last pics with her toenails in red are just wonderful.....lm so proud she is mexican...
l cant belive a special woman like her live in my country....she is always in my mind....why the name of Ms.Virby..?...can you tell me whats her first name?...

 Many thanks for your kind attention.



Hello nice lady!

Do you allow me to tell you my fascination of you and your passion? ;-) Thanks a lot for sharing all the nice pictures.


After signing up several times in the past I give now my congratulations to your site. I appreciate your work a lot! Thanks a lot for everything


How's everything Gene and thank you & the ladies of Jax for posting those beautiful toenails to enjoy. I
love to see more of China & Emma. As for the the new model Cherry, "WoW!!!" those toenails are long. How
did you find her, or was it vice versa? Will we see more of her? I would like to know if you will have an
interview with her on her long toenails and what made her grow them to those length? Continue the great work
& the lovely long toenails photos coming. Thanks!!!!!!!
Agent Dragon

I Love Cherry
You should give her a deck on her toenails. Her is natural and long at the same time


The latest posting of china is unbelieveable!  unpolished pics are the best way to showcase the true beauty of long toenails.  her shape and length are perfect.  they have never looked better.
i am looking forward to more pics like those.  sole shots with long nailed toes spread wide!  keep up the good work!

Hey Gene,

Just wanted to tell you (and Sue) just how much I enjoyed her latest pics
"Naughty Sue". She is a fantastically beautiful woman. Too bad we can't see
her face. I understand why though. What a body! And her toes and toenails
look absolutely scrumptious. Please pass on to her how much I enjoyed this
gallery. Wow!


Ms Virby
Ms Virby it would be nice to see some more photos
of your toenails with clear polish and even longer, I think
your toenails are so beautiful

Dear gene
Ms claz has hot hot sexy feet.  She has just as amazing feet as ms lady paige.  Where is ms claz from?  Another country or from the states, either way she has sexy long toenails and amazing feet
.  If u could, pass on this message i think she should put more pictures out there on the site wearing some of those sexy sexy shoes.
 Thanks a lot Johnny

Hey I like China man! Is she going to be around for a while? All my favorites end up leaving the net.
  I would like to see her with no nail polish on.   If you don't mine ask her if she's interested in doing a little pedal
pumping video for me.    I hope you got a lot of pictures of Sweet China. She's what I've been
looking for the past several years. Her big toes look like thumb nails.    I hope you can keep her around. You will definitely
get support from

hi Gene
I recently joined your site again. i must say its the only paysite i joined. Emmas feet and toenails are the most beautiful i could find thru the www. i
guess she is a musician playing a string instrument in a french philharmonic orchestra. is it possible to post full body pics of her (with face covered)
or do you think that its against her privacy? i think most of us fans would

 To  China:

I have been member of Jax's site from long time ago and NEVER I had seen toenails so beautiful like yours.  Every time I check Jax's site and see an update of you I can feel butterflies in my stomach, I
sweat and my hands shake.  Your toenails are unique, they are so beautiful.  Your big toenails are astonishing beautiful and really big, actually your big toenails are huge with a very long inner nailbed and long enough.
They are also thick and very strong.  I am so addicted to your toenails that every day I check for more pictures of those extremely beautiful toenails.  I am in love about your toenails.  God bless you China,
from my point of view, your toenails are the best.  Definitely you have been blessed for having such beautiful, strong and powerful toenails.  Thanks and one thousand times thanks for sharing with us
those magnificent toenails you have, you are a real Goddess.  God bless you China.


Ms Virby

Ms.Virby what pretty toenails you have please do more
with clear polish in flipflops,highheels and sole shots.

Emma's toenails are one of a kind gorgeous. They are like the petals of an extremely rare orchid in full
bloom. I know that they will be there for only a brief moment in time and need to be imortalized in pictures
as much as possible. The person taking the pictures should be equally praised. The angles and the clarity are just fabulous.
Thank you for doing a set in that worn out pink polish. It really has the effect that she really
doesn't care they just keep growing and growing or she just keeps forgetting to trim them. Cut is such a
harsh word.
I would really like to see her go back to the studio without polish and soft light at different angles and
shadows now that they are at such a wonderful and erotic length and shape. Thank you for all the hard work  you do.
I think that this is a very high quality site and would recomend it to anyone with an appreciation for rare beautiful long

Thanks again

Ms Virby

Hi Jax! My name is Andres and lm from Mexico....l have been a member of your group a long time ago....l love your web site....is the best...l love long toenails so much....l just want to know more about Virby....is she
mexican too.......you know here in Mexico its too dificult to find a woman with long toenails.


Hi, my name is william
I was searching google for "pretty feet" images and i found this picture,
 according to your website,http://www.gene19jax2000.com/deborah.html  these feet belong to a woman named deborah. I attempted to print this picture on my printer but was unable to because it was out of ink.
I was aroused by this photo, I decided the only alternative was to take my computer into the bathroom and plug it up there.
 I viewed this picture as a slide show. i set my computer screen on it's backside and stood in front of it stroking myself. using my vivid imagination, I imagined deborah moaning"ooh..ooh..ooh" the toe rings got me goin on the real.i rotated this photo in different positions. the result: a wonderful climatic ending, don't want to get too graphic.
 thank you for such a beautiful photo, do you know the email address of the model? and how do i become a member of your website?
 thanks for taking the time to read this, I hope my experience isn't freaking you out, I just wanted to tell you how exciting it is to see such a fantastic photo of candy red toenails, and deborah has very pretty feet.

keep up the good work, you and deborah's toes.



Dear gene
I would like to see Lady Paige feet in motion with her sexy heels on. And could you please let her know that she has some of the Sexiest feet around period . at all like having her feet Johnny  adoring and admiring ms lady paige

Hello" I like the site; who is Ms.Laura she has beautiful nails hands and feet
please keep them growing?

Dear Gene
     I think ms lady paige has sexy, sexy feet!
I think she has a pair of the sexiest feet around!!!
P.S.  I would like to see pictures of her feet with an original french pedicure.
John M

Dear Gene
 Lady Paige
I would like to see her with  just a clear coat on her nails,or a nice
 french tip with the french tip being about a 16th of an inch wide

The lady has nice toenails.

WOW Ms Sol feet are sweet they bring warmth on a cold day in detroit I would love to see more of her toes please send or at least keep up the good work a long toe nail lover {phatz318@aol.com}    P.S. do you have any clear or French pedicure toe pic? thanks


Those pics are some of the greatest pics ive ever seen.Thanks a whole lot.

Please post some more pics of her.

Where is she from? where did you find this godess?

Ive been a long toenail admirer ever since i was five and i love when the spring time
comes because that's sandal wearing season.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year.


Sol's toenails are simply THE BEST I've ever seen on
the Web ! Maybe some ladies ( quite a few )have longer
ones but Sol's are so broad, feminine and "full" in
the same time ! Now as you whet our appetite you must
feed us with more details and pictures of this lady
;-) Indeed this is a toenails lover dream came true !



First off, I got to give you much props on this one. Normally, I just look at the pictures and keep going. But this babe,
where did you find her and how can I get more. She has definately become my number one pick without question. Can you
help a brother out and provide a little info on this lady? Like, is she spanish, asian, black, white, other. How long has
she been into letting her nails grow. Is there someone special who appreciates what's she doing? How long does she plan to let them grow. Whatever details you can provide will be much appreciated. Thanks


I still can't get those toes off my mind.

Hi Sol,

I'm so much amazed on viewing your Pictures with your
Sexy Long Toenails shown in the Genejax's Webpage . I
think this obsession perfectly matched your character.

I wonder what's the maximum length you able to keep
those sexy Toenails? It's that all your real original
natural toenails?

Oh yes, let me introduce myself. My name is Ken, a
Singaporean Chinese and I'm a Professional Financial
Planner. My personal hobbies is collecting antiques
and also some unusual items such as various types of
unwanted Female Long Finger/Toe Nails Clippings.I used
to purchase a lot of broken Long Nails from many long
nails beauties all over the world.

Are you willing to sell me your Long Big Toenails
clippings later if happen you have clipped any of it.
Please let me know your comment.

Best regards,Ken

hello compliment sol's foot, toenails are fantastic
i have a question for sol ai love long toenail and pedal pumping, i hope that sol driving a car and post soon pedal pumping pics.
your foot are wonderfull.


Dear Gene,

My God! Where did this lady come from?! When I saw her toenails, I felt like #%&%%
Please tell us more about her and post more pictures.
Are there flip-flop and barefoot shots?
You may also want to post pictures of Emma from yevettenails.com. Her toenails are also super long and sexy!



Wow, Ms. Sol's feet are absolutely exquisite!! She has the most beautiful feet I think I have ever seen.
Her toenails are just incredible from the extra long big toenail to the others that are so broad and curve under. I had to join
again just to see more of her. I hope you will be doing many more updates of Ms. Sol's feet in the future. She is truly
amazing. What an incredible woman you have
discovered!! Thanks,


What beautiful long toenails you are showing, Ms.Sol toenails are so pretty and long
I hope she'll be doing more photos maybe some with clear polish on them.

Dear Fans...I just want to thank you all for the warm and wonderful welcome, comments and fan mail!!!  I certainly
appreciate and am honored that you think and feel so highly of my feet, and continue to look forward to providing you
the pleasure of my long toenails!  Have a great holiday season, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...also, look out for
new photos along with some of your requests!
Yours, Sol






Oh yes, let me introduce myself. My name is FADI,


Emma you got some cute feet and toenails.
Please do another deck for us fans

 I wouldn't mind being underneath those claws if I was a very small person


My God! Emma’s toenail shots in the giant deck are fantastic! I especially like those pictures of her
big toe pointing upwards! Please post more pictures of Emma like that!
 also would like to see more pictures of Sol
Thanks and I look forward to your reply and a lot more pictures of Emma and Sol!
More power!


i really like the giantess photos.  her nails are so long!  she has great looking feet too.  i would like
to see her in lighter colors (although the unpolished pics are the best).  the photos have a nice variety of angles which
showcase her amazing nail length very well.  keep it up and post more pics!

I just wanted to say that I love Emma

There's no word to decribe Emma's long toenails. The
first time I saw her beautiful long toenails feet, i
was in awe,"WOW." There's many question I would like
to ask her, but let's start with some compliments.
Emma's long toenails are just strictly gorgeous and
breathtaking. I hope you can post more photos of those
beauties of yours. As for my questions, if you don't
mind answering. What made you grow your toenails long?
How does your family or friend think or feel about
them? How come almost all your photos shows your feet
dirty? Are you fascinated walking barefoot? How long
did it take you to grew them that long? What do you
like for your boyfriend or husband to do with your
long toenails? I know that's so many question but I
will appreciate you if you can answer them, please.
The length you have now is perfect for your feet. I
don't think you need to trim it down or grow them
longer. Hope to see more from you in the future. I
appreciate you showing all of us your beautiful long
toenails feet. Thank you, hope to see more and more
and more...

Agent Dragon

I love emma's pretty long Toenails
Please keep them growing
longer and longer.

For my adorable and fantastic Fans
First of all, I must thank two people: Lady Yevette  to receive me with goodness on her splendid site but also Jax, that decided to show you my feet. All the messages  touch me tremendously. I cannot answer each but know that I read every message with a lot of attention and according to my means, I shall try to please the biggest Fan!. I did not think that my feet would have as so many admirers. I am embarrassed  by so much congratulations. It is for a long time since I carry long toenails. In fact I am not a sophisticated woman. I am not in charge of my feet. I cut my toenails only when they embarrassed me or they broke. Otherwise, they grow all alone. My family and my friends thought they were nice. On the street, many people looks at them, also I decided to keep them even if I know that everybody does not like. I am a tolerant woman, for the freedom of each and who likes difference. I am a very natural woman and I am always bare feet except when I cannot. I like the contact of the soil, to be free from my movements. That's why my feet on pictures are often dirty. I do not cheat. I show them such as they are for you. But reassure you, I wash them before sleeping in my bed.For my private life, I am sorry but it is a secret because in my opinion my family is sacred. If my feet bring you of pleasure then I shall continue taking photographs for you. It is not easy but I shall try with my small means to answer your wishes because your pleasure, it is a bit mine. I thank you one thousand times for your boost and I promise a series of pictures. I wish you a good year of 2005 and I kiss you all very extremely.
Your Emma


emma's feet and nails are so impressive.  the giant photos are great.
is it possible to post more close up, unpolished nails?  show them in all their glory.  its amazing to see nails
so long and natural.  keep it up!
Jim G

Dear Jax
, Please have more shots of Sol and Emma with nail polish and no polish. Thanks.


Hi Emma.

You have great looking feet and toes. And your toenails prb the best ive seen.
 Would love to get my nose in between your toes as you punish my eyes with your long toenails by having a good scratch.
 Do you have smelly feet ?What made you grow your toenails and what do you like to do to your
footslave with them hen you punish him ?.

Here from you soon.

Kind regards.

footman John Scotland.

The new emma deck is amazing!  her nails are so long and clean!  i've never seen natural toenails so nice!
all of the different angles are great especially the sole shots.  hope to see more emma very soon

Those toenails look even better without polish. I got an idea, you don't have to do it if you don't
want to. Maybe if you could wear those same sandals on the next deck showing your toenails without polish.

I have been ill however when I came across your feet they made me feel much much better.
Your feet are like medicine to my spirit.
Now I have something to look forward to each week.
My flue has come and gone! The love your bath update!
Who ever is taking those pictures is a lucky one!

Emma's toenails are a "one of a kind" beauty. She is a true dream come true.
I really looks as if her feet have never been in closed shoes for her entire
life. Her feet are so sexy. I especially apreciate the natural naked nail look,
especially since her toenails grow so long and healthy looking. I do hope
that she continues to let them get longer and more beautiful. She truly has ten
wonders growing from the tips of her toes.
I must also compliment the person taking the pictures. Without such an
accomplished photographer her true beauty would somewhat diminished in translation.
The person behind the camera has a true apreciation for the truly rare beauty
of Emma. Thank you a thousand times over for all your hard work. And of course many
thanks to you Gene.Jax. Your efforts are greatly appreciated as well

Yur humble fan Patrick

I must pay compliments to the lovelyemma deck.  i cant say enought about her toenails.  they are truely the longest,
best looking natural toenails i have ever seen.  i cant stop looking at them.  her feet must bring so much pleasure.
i can only imagine what her scratching feels like.  keep up the good work!

All the great models and their nails. I must admit every time I see geri's hands I realize that I would marry her sight unseen. lol. Have a great week. Steve from south Texas

I can’t enough of Emma and Sol! Please have more pics of them in mules! I also want to see both their toenails
without polish, especially Sol. Keep up the good work, man!



              Please don't get offended, but You truly have the most
Beautiful, the most Gorgeous, the most Insatiable, the most Lovely, the most Incomparable, the
most Sexy, the most Irresistable, the most Sultry, the most Incrediable, the
most Ele-    gant, the most Remarkable, and truly the Prettiest LONG TOENAILS that I
have ever seen in my entire life.
             Your boyfriend, or husband, has to be the luckiest guy in the

Hello Emma, my name is Eugene from Texas.  I just wanted to say that I you have some incredible looking feet,toes and nails.  I would go crazy if I saw you them in person.  Well I just wanted to say hello and next time you take pictures cut your toenails right at the edge of the Big Toe, polish them and see how they look.  Keep up the good work.

Have a question for ms Sol if she drive a car she has some picture while push the gas pedal?
if her car won' t star what is her reaction?
i love your long toenails.
i hope she answer at my ask.

Emma's nails are getting longer and longer.  i like how they are curving.  can she use a bright color on her nails like a really bright blue or pink?  keep posting those amazing nails!

 really like the newest set of emma.  the bright color is nice on her.  will she take more unpolished photos soon?  those are the best, with lots of amazing sole shots.  cant say enough about her splendid nails.  keep posting!

Can you please post some sol pics on your next update!

These Emma decks are phenominal.  She's the reason I joined.  Thanks.

The second outdoor set is great.  her nails are getting longer and longer.  how long will she allow them to grow?  it seems like she is barefoot alot.  she must take really good care of her nails considering the amazing length.  she must never wear closed toe shoes.  keep posting!

Everytime I see Emma's feet I'm anxious to see what's next. Thanks a lot for the photos Emma & Jax, hope to
see more. If you don't mind if can make a request, can you post closeups shots of your full bare feet
unpolished with a ruler measuring your toenails. Also photos with a dark pink polish on your toenails. I
really appreciate what your doing Emma!
Agent Dragon

Emma &Sol
What fabulous finds these two women are!! Not only do they have unbelievable long toenails but their feet are absolutely gorgeous. Emma is unreal. I am amazed that a Caucasian woman would even grow her toenails that long. Of course I know Sol's are fakes, but they look so hot with the nice curves in them. I think I actually prefer the shorter nails for her. I really wish I could just see her with naturally long toenails. Her toes certainly look like they could support long toenails.  Last weekend was a great update with both women exhibited. It was my B'day last Sun. so that was like a special birthday treat. Thanks!!One thing I'm dying to see are the soles of Sol!! It seems all we've seen so far are the tops of her feet and the nails. Emma has had countless sole photos and other angles, but nothing at all from Sol. Her feet look so fabulous from the top that I would just love to see them from all angles and especially the bottoms. Other than that keep it up Gene. One fabulous new model would have been great, but 2 is almost astounding!!

Hello.  The pictures of Emma's toenails are unbelieveable.  The video clips are a plus.  Please
keep them coming.  I hope in the future that u will show pictures/video clips of her toenails
unpolished(some of the front view of her toenails the same view that Emma is looking at her toenails), more
pictures of her soles, pictures of her toenails in clear stockings( a suggestion a video clip with
someone taking off her high heel shoes revealing her longtoenails/with one leg crossed), and I agree with
agent dragon  pictures of a ruler next to her big toe unpolished.  Again, great pictures.

Dear Gene,
Damn! That Honey Brown Deck was great! Please post more pics of her!
I also want to see more pics of Emma’s soles and feet in mules.
Thanks and more power!

Emma's feet is just amazingly stunning. There's no one word to describe how pretty,lovely and marvelous her
long toenails is. The videos is a big bonus, can't wait to see more in the future. If you ever decide to
sell any of your long toenails videos, I'll be one of your fan to purchase it. Please show more photos and
videos. I thank you and the person in your life that appreciate your long toenails or support you even if
he doesn't like them at all. Hope to see more!
Agent dragon

My thanks goes out to Jax for bringing us a terrific website. Your website has supported fans like me, who
has interest in long toenails on women. As for the future, I wish you and the website the best. I've
notice that you are bringing new models from the Philippines on June. I've seen photos from Marylin and
her friends, I just hope there's exclusive photos and their toenails had grown longer. Keep up the good job,
Agent dragon

Thank you Emma for making my idea possible. The high heels deck was the best ever. How about another one. P.S. Your toenails look cute
when they do or don't have nail polish

Jax World Entertainments Amazing Ms "Cassandra" Feet Model of 2003

